AS 1141.14-1995/Amdt 1-1998 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Particle shape, by proportional calliper Amendment by Standards Australia,
AS 1141.16-1995 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Angularity number standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1141.16-1995/Amdt 1-1997 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Angularity number Amendment by Standards Australia,
AS 1436-1983 Alphanumeric character set OCR-B for optical recognition standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1442-1992 Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels - Hot-rolled bars and semifinished products standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1444-1996 Wrought alloy steels - Standard, hardenability (H) series and hardened and tempered to designated mechanical properties standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1447-1991 Hot-rolled spring steels standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1448-1981 Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels - Forgings (ruling section 300 mm maximum) standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1450-1983 Steel tubes for mechanical purposes standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1464 (Pt 1 to 2)-1984 Plastics pipes and fittings for gas reticulation - Unplasticized PVC (UPVC) standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1464.2-1984/Amdt 1-1986 Plastics pipes and fittings for gas reticulation - Unplasticized PVC (UPVC) - Fittings standard by Standards Australia,
AS 1469-1983 Acoustics - Methods for the determination of noise rating numbers standard by Standards Australia,